Thomson Edison Business Intelegance

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Thomson Edison Business Intelegance – He is an electronics, mass communication Many devices were developed in areas such as sound recording and motion pictures.

Gramophone These inventions, including the motion picture camera and early versions of the light bulb, had a far-reaching influence on the modern developed world.

Thomson Edison Business Intelegance

He was one of the first to apply the ideas of systematic science and work together in a way that invited many researchers and workers. The first industrial research laboratory was established.

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Edison grew up in the American Midwest. His career as a telegraph operator inspired some of his first works.

In 1876 he made several of his first inventions in New Jersey. Built in Meadow Park. He later founded a botanical laboratory in Fort Myers, Florida, in partnership with businessmen Henry Ford and Harvey S. Firestone. West Orange, where the world’s first film studio, Black Maria, was built; A laboratory was established in New Jersey. With 1,093 US patents to his name and patents in other countries, Edison is considered the most influential person in American history.

Thomas Edison was born in Milan, Ohio in 1847 and grew up in Port Huron, Michigan after his family moved in 1854.

He was Samuel Ogd Edison Jr. (1804-1896, born in Marshalltown, Nova Scotia) and Nancy Matthews Elliott (1810-1871, born in Chango County, New York).

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His grandfather, Loyalist John Edeson, fled Nova Scotia to New Jersey in 1784. The family came to Upper Canada about 1811; moved to Middlesex County, where his grandfather, Capt. Samuel Edison Sr. Served with the 1st Middlesex Militia during the War of 1812. His father, Samuel Edison Jr. They are Vina, They moved to Ontario and fled to Ohio after participating in the 1837 Revolution.

Edison’s mother, who used to be a school teacher, taught him to read, important Arithmetic was taught. He only attended school for a few months. However, One biographer described him as a very interesting child who learned a lot by reading to himself.

Edison started having hearing problems when he was 12 years old. The cause of his hearing loss was childhood scarlet fever and an often untreated middle ear infection. He then wrote false reports about the cause of his hearing loss.

Edison would write to a musician or pianist by hammering his teeth into the wood to pick up the sound waves in the skull. As he got older, Edison believed that his hearing loss allowed him to concentrate more easily on his work, without being distracted. Modern media and medical experts have suggested it might be ADHD.

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Early in his career, he is known to have enrolled in a chemistry course for the advancement of science and art at Cooper Union to support Charles Batchelor and his work on the new telegraph system. This seems to be the only academic achievement at an institution of higher learning.

Thomas Edison on the train from Port Huron to Detroit, newspapers, He started his career as a young man selling sweets and vegetables. By the age of 13, he was making $50 a week, mostly buying electrical equipment and chemical experiments.

Jimmy’s father, J. U. MacKzie, of Mount Clems, Michigan, was very grateful to Edison for training him as a telegraph engineer. Edison’s first telegraph work was at Stratford Junction on the Grand Trunk Railway. It’s in Ontario.

Qualitative analysis was also studied and chemical analysis was also carried out due to the collision of two trains.

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Edison had full rights to sell newspapers on the street, and with the help of four assistants, he founded and printed the Grand Trunk Herald, which he sold along with other papers.

This began Edison’s long wild odyssey as he found himself a businessman. Finally, His leadership led to the founding of 14 other companies, including Geral Electric, at one time one of the world’s largest publicly traded companies.

1866, At the age of 19, Edison moved to Louisville, Kentucky, where he worked in the Associated Press news wire bureau as an employee of Western Union. Edison requested the night shift, giving him more time to indulge in his two favorite pastimes—reading and experimenting. Finally, the last job cost him his job. One night in 1867, he was working on a lead-acid battery when sulfuric acid spilled onto the floor. He ran between floors and under his boss’s desk. The next day, Edison was fired.

His first contact was with the electronic voting machine; United States Patt 90, 646 issued June 1, 1869.

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Edison moved to New York City shortly after finding little demand for the machine. In those early years, one of his parents was a telegraph writer and surveyor named Franklin Leonard Pope, who raised the poor young man in New Jersey. Allowing him to live and work at the foot of his home in Elizabeth, while Edison worked for Samuel Laws on the gold standard. . the company. Pope and Edison founded their company in October 1869, working as electrical engineers and inventors. Edison began developing the multiplex telegraphic system in 1874, which was able to send two messages simultaneously.

Edison’s first innovation was the establishment of an industrial research laboratory in 1876. It is New Jersey, Mlo Park was built in Raritan Township (now Edison Township) in his honor in Middlesex County. quadruplex telegraph. After the telegraph demonstration, Edison wasn’t sure it would be right to sell his original plan for $4,000 to $5,000, so he asked Western Union to bid. He was surprised to hear that they had offered him $10,000 ($269,294 in 2023), which he gratefully accepted.

The quadruplex telegraph was Edison’s first financial success, and Mlo Park became the first organization established with the specific purpose of developing technological innovation and innovation. Edison was officially recognized for most of the inventions made there, although many workers conducted research and development under his direction. He often told his staff to follow his instructions when conducting research and was quick to produce results.

Electrical engineer William Joseph Hammer began working for Edison in December 1879 as a laboratory assistant. He telephoned, gramophone electric railway iron ore separator; He helped invent electric lighting and other innovations. . However, Hammer worked extensively on the incandesc electric light and was responsible for the experiments and records of that invention.

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In 1880 he was appointed general manager of the Edison Lamp Works. In its first year under general manager Francis Robbins Upton, the factory produced 50,000 lamps. According to Edison, Hammer was “the pioneer of lighting.”

Frank J. Sprague, a competitive mathematician, joined the Edison organization in 1883, recruited by former naval officer Edward H. Johnson. One of Sprague’s contributions to Edison’s laboratory at Mlo Park was to expand Edison’s mathematical methods. Despite the common belief that Edison did not use mathematics, An analysis of his writings reveals that he was an intelligent user of mathematical analysis performed by his assistants, Francis Robbins Upton, for example. Looking at the key parameters of his electric lighting system, including the resistance of light. Ohm’s Law, Examining Joule’s Law and Economics.

Almost all of Edison’s patents were utility patents, electrical in nature and protected for 17 years. Includes mechanical or chemical innovations or processes. About a dozen are design elements that protect decorative designs for up to 14 years. Like many patts, The invitations he described are an improvement over the prior art. In contrast, the phonograph was unprecedented in describing the first device to record and reproduce sounds.

In just over ten years, Edison’s Mlo Park laboratory had grown to two city blocks. Edison said he wanted the laboratory to have everything imaginable.

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In a newspaper article published in 1887, there were eight thousand chemical compounds in the laboratory. Various screws needle size rope wire human hair horse pork, cow Rabbit, Goat minx Camels… all kinds of silk. shell All kinds of hooves shark tooth Antlers Turtle shell… Yam, resin varnishes and oils; cow hair peacock tail Jack amber rubber All ore…” the list continued.

Above his desk, Edison displayed a sign bearing the famous words of Sir Joshua Reynolds: “Man is in no hurry to avoid real thought.”

At Mlo Park, Edison created the first industrial laboratory for information creation and control.

Edison had a second model of his phonograph in Matthew Brady’s studio in Washington, DC. April 1878.

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Edison was from New Jersey. He began his career as a collector in Newark with an automatic repeater and one of his own improvements.

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